![]() 07/21/2020 at 20:10 • Filed to: brakelopnik | ![]() | ![]() |
Four years ago, I did this.
Today I see that my receipt and the Autozone site both say the warranty on my rotors is three years. Some quick back of the napkin math tells me I’m free to choose any brand without feeling like I’m losing anything, so here I am.
These started to pulse a little about two years in, give or take. They never got even close to as bad as the last set, which came with the car when I bought it. Recommendations for a long term wobble-free situation are welcome.
ETA: Why, Amazon?
![]() 07/21/2020 at 20:13 |
Not sure of a specific brand to recommend, but as for a kind that works best, I’d recommend round ones, preferably made of metal. :P
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I usually use centric rotors and pads that I’ve ordered from rock auto. I spring for the coated rotors too.
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I’ve always liked Raybestos stuff for close to stock but I usually aim for “ slightly better than OEM” quality if possible, regardless of brand. EBC pads are great, I used them on my Jeep and abused the crap out of them.
![]() 07/21/2020 at 20:25 |
I’ve had good luck with the Advanced CarQuest Platinum rotors. There’s only a few that fit Land Rover fronts, so my choices are limited to cheap, high-mid (the CQ Platinum ) and unobtanium.
![]() 07/21/2020 at 20:27 |
Ones that work
![]() 07/21/2020 at 20:29 |
Good tip
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Detroit Axle makes some decent stuff. They ev en have rotors with silly polka dots and swirly lines.
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Centric, Powerstop, or Wagner coated rotors.
![]() 07/21/2020 at 20:35 |
Wobble comes from the brake pad leaving an imprint of material on the rotor when it comes to a complete stop while very hot. Ways to reduce that chance would be better heat absorption using a bigger brakes or picking a pad designed for the high heat.(not sure but some materials like ceramic are probably better at not doing this then organic pads)
From a Performance standpoint blank rotors offer the best heat absorption and most friction surface, slotted rotors can help to wear away overheated brake pads when a glazed surface forms, generally drilled rotors will crack under intense heat and have no upsides other then looking good
Typically ill buy the cheapest slotted rotors available because my driving habits t end to overheat bargain basement brake pads. I dont see much point in getting expensive rotors on run of the mill cars
![]() 07/21/2020 at 20:42 |
If you’re car is European , get em from FCP euro they lifetime guarantee everything. Yep even brakes, haha.
Otherwise I go with power stop kits from summit.
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Stoppie ones
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Yeah, I just want to avoid the ones that will only work just hard enough not to get fired.
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Always takes me a second or two to remember how their menus work. Then I’m like “oh yea this is the best!”
![]() 07/21/2020 at 20:50 |
I’ll be ordering zinc coated Zimmerman rotors and Akebono pads.
![]() 07/21/2020 at 21:01 |
came here for thi s, leaving satisfied! good work
![]() 07/21/2020 at 21:06 |
What do the 4-year old rotors look like now? How has the coating held up?
![]() 07/21/2020 at 21:08 |
I’m partial to Advance Auto’s CarQuest G old ceramic line of brake pads and Carquest coated rotors for my Honda( s) and Scion. I’m quite happy with them for spirited backroad driving at this weight class. I don’t think they are trackable, but I haven’t tried.
![]() 07/21/2020 at 21:10 |
Just today I put these Centric blanks on the Corvette...Have been running coated centrics on the Mini for close to 2 years, no issues (I did the tail of the dragon thrice and around 7 8 autox on them)
![]() 07/21/2020 at 21:11 |
I have had good luck with Centric.
![]() 07/21/2020 at 21:29 |
My earlier joke aside, I’ve heard decent things about ‘Max’ brand...you can get them on Amazon. I’ve never used them, but I was going to order some for my Accent awhile back and do the swap myself but ended up getting the garage to just do it for my when I had to take the car in for some other maintenance. They had pretty good reviews:
No idea if they are available for your car, but that’s the link to the Accent ones if you needed a starting point? They’re a Canadian company, I believe, so North-American made.
![]() 07/21/2020 at 21:45 |
I’ve machined many rotors as a mechanic and the pad imprint pulsation is very rare and caused by cars sitting.
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I use the good ones from Napa. I got 70k miles on my last set of front brakes, on a crew cab full-size truck.
![]() 07/21/2020 at 22:08 |
For an upgrade rotor , I have used EBC and DBA
For OEM type replacement, I have used Brembo, ATE and OEM mfg.
![]() 07/21/2020 at 22:16 |
non-coated rotors will rust overnight :(
coated rotors are awesome
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Car sits in a garage all the time and if there is a bit of surface rust, so be it...
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Its what I was taught in school.
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One of the maintenance guys at my company (so a trustworthy source on mechanical stuff ) recommended Max Br akes to me. I haven’t tried ‘em yet but my rears are due.
![]() 07/21/2020 at 22:47 |
My 2008 Acura shares rotors with a number of Honda vehicles. The factory front rotors are known to warp. With regular driving I had them warranty turned once and replaced them with EBC BSD rotors. They are made in the UK and are a higher carbon or something which seems to have worked because I had them for about 10 6 years and 80k miles. The disc wore to the slots so I recently replaced them with the same rotors. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007CDZ7X8?ref=em_1p_1_ti&ref_=pe_1861300_421636550
![]() 07/21/2020 at 23:03 |
I try to go OEM , discounted online for everything. U nless there is a better aftermarket fix .
![]() 07/22/2020 at 00:11 |
I heard recycled plastic is cheaper though. The cardboard additives make them not at all suitable for track use.
![]() 07/22/2020 at 02:08 |
It’s more like l y due to slight m isalignment of the disc face with the hub axis either due to manufacturing or assembly tolera n ces . When the pads withdraw, if the disc’s misaligned they don’t withdraw quite far enough on one side , and that pad kisses the disc at he high spot in the rotation. Which pushes that pad out, which pushes the other pad in, and then that one kisses the other side 180 degrees later. Rinse and repeat every time the w heel goes round . Over a few months or years that creates a thic kness variation in the disc which causes p ulsing.
The short term fix is machining the discs (preferably on-car), the lo ng term one if it’s a repeatin g problem is to cha n ge to a better tol eranced disc (which doesn’t necessarily mean a more expensive one - the Brembos in my Jag were shit, which aligns with my experience of Brembo when I was in the biz) and clean hell out of the hub mating faces, or to selective-assemble your discs with a dial gauge to get them true.
You can also get it due to the dis c warping or distorting due to heat (which is a reason to cool the brakes before parking the car - the area under the pad cools slower which can encourage warping). But that’s much rarer unless you hammer your brakes often.
Pad imprints, or pad material glazing on, can both also happen, but aren’t that comm on and usually scrub o ff pretty quick with an I tali an tuneup .
Source: used to be an OEM brake systems engineer.
![]() 07/22/2020 at 03:27 |
I found out that brembo makes OEM replacement brake discs for the Miata. I've been using those on the exocet. So far so good. The key really is to choose the right pad.
![]() 07/22/2020 at 06:21 |
I’ve had good luck with Raybestos. But to be fair, they do have different grades of parts and I always aim for their better stuff. Kinda like how Fram is said to have some of the wor st filters as well as some of the be st filters on the market.
![]() 07/22/2020 at 06:49 |
Coatings are nice, but more importantly, I’ve noticed that coated rotors often claim stricter machining tolerances too . For one thing, a lot of cheap rotors will list a spec of no more than 0.004" of lateral runout, while better quality ones say 0.002".
Coatings and good machining don’t always go hand- in- hand, though. My brother bought some Bosch “QuietCast” rotors from Ro ckAuto once and the runout was so bad that it was visible to the naked eye . After double-checking the bearings and hub mating surface, I put a dial indicator on the rotor and found 0.030" of runout ! He ended up getting them resurfaced locally so that he could finish the brake job that day.
![]() 07/22/2020 at 06:53 |
round metal ones
![]() 07/22/2020 at 09:47 |
For the last round I just checked Rockauto and got the cheap ones. I subscribe to the school of thought that they’re all made in the same Chinese factory, unless you go for something like super expensive Brembos. Same for calipers, but did get slightly upgraded pads.
![]() 07/22/2020 at 10:05 |
It isn't what I was taught by the real world.
![]() 07/22/2020 at 10:07 |
This. I don’t know how many times I’ve tried to kill the bullshit theory that rotors don’t warp and brake vibrations mostly come from pad deposits. It was a big thing around here a couple years ago after some post on jello picnic.
![]() 07/22/2020 at 10:08 |
Id delete my comment if I could
![]() 07/22/2020 at 10:18 |
That 100% is not the case. Not all rotors are the same. Every single case that comes in my shop but went elsewhere for brakes because of a cheaper quote, has horrendous brake noise and often vibrations to go along with that, with 95% of the pad remaining. There is so much that goes into brakes concerning metallurgy, pad composition, machining tolerances, coatings, etc that it’s kind of insane. I’m not saying all cheap parts are bad, because that definitely isn’t the case, nor are all expensive parts good. And its just as bad for calipers. There’s a tire shop chain in my area that always sells calipers when they do brakes. Shady AF to begin with, but calipers on Mercedes almost never go bad. So they’re taking off our very high quality calipers and installing their Chinese junk that will rust and stick within a year.
Point being, cheap usually sucks. Not always though.
Hope that was clear
![]() 07/22/2020 at 10:18 |
![]() 07/22/2020 at 12:20 |
I was comparing the cheaper options, and thinking from the perspective of owning a mainstream FCA product , not an MB . My calipers / rotors / pads were shit when they were installed at the factory, and needed replaced after 3 yrs . T heir replacements will be shit after 3-4 years of driving thru whatever salt and other crap they put on the roads in the winter in my area anyways . Might as well do all of it while you’re in there. It’s in the maintenance budget.
Also, brake noise & vibration can be caused by various install issues and not parts quality. Also if the pads aren’t completely or properly bedded in. Sometimes you need to make sure everything is installed correctly, then just go do a few panic stops to get everything working correctly. Speaking from personal experience.
![]() 07/22/2020 at 12:58 |
Whatever RockAuto standard replacement or daily driver spec has the heart by it. Or if it’s a Euro car, one from FCP Euro since they warranty anything at any time since purchase.
![]() 07/22/2020 at 13:42 |
I like round ones. The octagonal ones make weird noise.
![]() 07/22/2020 at 16:22 |
I’ve been at this for 15 years professionally, and worked on much more than just Benz. From 90's metros, to 60's muscle, to 1920's restorations. Some of this time was spent living and working in the rust belt. I stand by what I said, but I will reiterate that sometimes the cheap option is the best option. However, more often than not, they have downsides.
You are absolutely right about install sometimes playing a role. But I have enough experience with this also that I can confidently say, at least from a professional installation standpoint, install is not usually the cause. It is almost always parts quality.
![]() 07/22/2020 at 20:19 |
The car got totaled a year in and I put brakes on the current one about a year ago and they seem good still.
![]() 07/22/2020 at 23:38 |
Oval shaped are the bomb